5 Picture Books for Earth Day

This may be my shortest blog post yet- some quick ideas from my own reading list for today. Aside from rocking out our mini globe and doing some painting with stones and leaves later, we will be reading about how to do our bit to help the planet.

Check out our books for today:

1. Captain Green and the Plastic Scene by Evelyn Bookless and Danny Deeptown

Anything superhero is a hit in my household! A perfect book to introduce kids to the 3 Rs of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and looking after our ocean.


2.     Touch the Earth by Julian Lennon, Bart Davis and Smiljana Coh

An interactive book is a great tool to keep kids engaged about the subject of conservation. Part of the sales proceeds goes to the White Feather Foundation, founded by Lennon, which promotes education, health, conservation and the protection of indigenous culture. (Part of a trilogy)


3.     Penguins Don’t Wear Sweaters! By Marikka Tamura and Daniel Rieley

A simple story about an oil spill affecting happy penguins. Humans that wanted to help knitted sweaters- look out for details of the true story at the back. But the morale of the story of course is that penguins don’t wear them… 


4.     10 things I can do to help my world by Melanie Walsh

Fun flappy book with practical things kids can actually do to help. Don’t be surprised when you get called out after reading this book together!


5.     The Earth Book by Todd Parr

Signature bold colours and simple messages makes this great for kids of all ages.


Enjoy the books and Happy Earth Day! Do you have any books on the subject to recommend? I’d love to hear from you!


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